2011年4月15日 星期五

CP 55940:? and drug testing.

55940 is a synthetic cannabinoid CP weight which has the same effect, but more weight than THC (occur naturally mixed today in marijuana), and the effects of amphetamine, because this is not forbidden CP 55940 since it was created by Pfizer in Germany in 1974, and therefore it is also why it is directed is "being used by humans."

CP 55940 is used for plants and sold as incense herbs it is educational for the force of the perturbing force "and other neurodegenerative diseases, USA.

White solid substance CP 55940 has been on the interest of many researchers because it is is approved for human consumption (not only of the fact that it is the weight, but also little information on CP 55, 940 ' s side reactions and damage potential infection), Researchers throw it in the mouse. Study reveals effects such as reduced social interactions reduces locomotors activity and anxiety (in mice).

Also, because ... It mimics the effects of THC can say CP 55940 has psychoactive and somatic effects include euphoria, increased restlessness alertness sudden mood changes with humor appreciation. Depression and other mood increases heart rate, paranoia and reddening eyes accounts from disclosure to Pierce skin. Stimulate appetite nausea and lightheadedness food "shift in consciousness towards the more childlike honest Government to date, no information provided on the neurotoxicity of this" Pharmacological and toxicological properties of this product does not have full investigation. "

However, of the dangerous effects on humans The numbers using it instead of meat, even at low doses, but different from, other CP drug efficacy of all 55940 when stored at the temperature below or above the required temperature and doses taken can vary.

In the United States. There is no law that control CP 55940 but because of the similarity of the structure of marijuana (a schedule under law analogue), it is considered illegal for human consumption.

In drug tests, as of november 2009. There is no single test that can detect a cannabinoid CP 55940 synthesis in urine, blood and saliva can distill from how drug tests. When they take drugs The body breaks down and "metabolites occurs as part of this process." This test is "only the type of metabolites that may occur as a result of taking drugs." However, no test can detect metabolites of a synthetic cannabinoid (as of 2009)-Nevertheless. A report on the development of detection of this compound synthesis.

To date no report user CP 55940 intercepted authorities-or hospitalized.

This article was written by Lena Butler from TestCountry sponsors of the article country test. For more information about the www.testcountry.org and the use of resources from home, health and other health tests, such as the article is a test drug abuse within the home..

