Modern society today is to attack from drugs and alcohol is a choice for stress buster has increased the consumption of illicit drugs and alcohol among youth, fast. According to information disclosed by Mental Health and Public Services Administration (SAMHSA), u.s. in the year 2007, 11891 (21 to 25 years) and 19977 (26 to 34 years old) Positive test for the consumption of illicit drugs such as marijuana cocaine. Marijuana, etc (SAMHSA, 2007), the United Nations in the fight against drug use and abuse began, various measures including workplace drug testsing.
Freeze and US President Ronald Reagan, Mr. stress in the workplace tests drugis to maintain the performance of employees and drug free ( many Governments around the world have started ' attack on drug use, rather than as ' attack ' after drug supply was not better outcomes, found that many organizations have used this measure to increase the profit of the personnel. Reduce absenteeism the workers safety. Reduces administrative expenses and maintain system health care free of drugs. Most of the employer with the freedom to refuse or reduce the amount of compensation, workers. If using the substance abuse and a proximate cause of injury to employer.
Important benefits or legal need justification is drug tests.. Are of drug testingwork is focused on the safety of employees and others. Organization performance Reputation risk benefit employees, etc. organizations in various countries to reduce demand for drugs and health protection andillicit to promote the security of workers and colleagues, public security and performance. Economy, and integrity of workers organizations take such measures of employee drug testsis, it can also be measured in order to reduce the yona damage caused due to accidents at work and on the road (nowdrug testsand privacy 1990) However, if any employee making a workplace drug testsing. It is likely to be cancelled. Areof drug testingbe justified on the basis that will be made to the security of each user. Public and social integration
Citizen of the people.
Workplace tests drugare as important as it happens, because the collision between the interests of workers and employers (ILO Geneva 2003) there are several types of test methods which all conflicts, but random test method of zero of the argument. Aretest drugmay raise legal and ethical issues, as well as employee fired from their jobs. The test is invalid if it occurs without the consent of each person only is considered a violation of the integrity and privacy of each user. (IIDTW report 2004) according to the Privacy Act, 1983, only those data should be collected that are necessary to run the program directly from that person. Follow the steps that are required for all warranty rights Act, a citizen of the US Constitution 1964 shows that it has freedom of speech. Equal protection of law and protection from discrimination law (, 2008) some organizations might use to test drugsing based pre-employment test if the test is positive. He was denied employment. This raised the question of unlawful discrimination as specified in the citizen most of 1964 and of the employer and the employee who entered into a contract to underline the fact that if tested positive for drugs. He is fired or remuneration will stop working on these contracts is handcuffed employees the right to appeal in the Court of law. Isdrug teststhat work caused much of full-time employees to receive treatment for substance abuse? DASIS Report, 2006 show that alcoholics fulltime 58% compared to 39% of the unemployed have interview for illicit substance use treatment (Dasis report 2008) some countries and States they have made a reservation in accordance with the laws in order to promote working drug free. By the remuneration of the employer only affect. Revenues and benefits of employees (, 2009)
Who should test
The Organization proceeds drug testsing to sort out people who want drug testing and when to search for? This may differ from someone recently refurbished or ex-employees. Senior staff unionized employees, male or female, or employees who suspect that the addict (isdrug testsand Privacy p.9) some might classify on the basis of past or present, or drug use. When the employer has introduced reasonable to suspect that an employee drug use on the job or at any time, and because of that he has any effect or may be at work (isdrug testsand Privacy p.9) it is appropriate to do basic testing to avoid discrimination and also helps avoid to delay from employees in.
Most of the foreign organization has used this method to overcome drug use at work. Ensure the security of employees and enhance their economic conditions. This way, positive benefits around the world. The State of Ohio benefit from this approach resulting in a drop of the absenteeism problem supervisors and 97% decrease for injured less than (, the company has encouraged many more States and countries receiving pill testingare their work. It is important to take action to curb drug consumption. Most young people using the attack stern