2011年4月11日 星期一

Drug testing for welfare

No press releases in order to provide people who are collecting benefits State to submit to random. Drug testingCNN S. have articles pushed West Virginian legislator's law, showing details such as the law is described in ten other States.

Of course there is the problem of conflicts and the ACLU have jumped on to protect the rights of drug users or something like that is a valid argument against it or even a Government subsidized interest benefit insurance sickness has not. Each week will be removed from your paycheck to sign this program. If you are independent contractors who cannot find jobs. You not only to collect the illness because you don't have to pay into. Agreed to take other people's money. But declined to pay it back to them when they need a good way to go in the ACLU lawsuit and will be a chance to win.

But if we focus solely on those who are collecting welfare State? They receive pay nothing. In addition, we are not talking about millions of people who need help from the Government because sometimes difficult of recognition. This is talking about the percentage of people who will not only break the law, but are taking advantage of the system should help less fortunate, and small, to all destinations. We are all aware that some people have children for the purpose of collecting the benefit only large. Most people don't do this, but anyone who has two children and collect welfare accused by someone of this.

This single from sections of the population. No, it's unfair to expect people to follow the law or not, not singling anyone out, this is not very unfairly than the police pull over who will speed up. I don't believe it is stereotypical suspect persons in welfare, more likely to use drugs. Frankly I doubt that drug use among welfare recipients, any value greater than other parts of the population if drug use is the only low millionaireclass. Athlete and will not capture actors with drugs.

The intention of the law must be considered if anyone thought we would catch drug users and reject federal money and save money, so they're kidding themselves, at least. In this short period is not so. States that were converted to pass these laws while the economy is not good to have any money to any sort of drug testingprogram is free to use and maintain. In addition to the cost of testing itself. Have a question that I do when someone is infected? Do we send into prison or not resulting from testing, even in the courtroom.

Target ing random drug testsmust be a user off of drugs. Just to take away benefits of benefit are not going to work because the person's freedom is in jeopardy as the law against drug Rehab drug may be necessary for the person again or keep this welfare rights begins at least but even drug rehab with high rate of failure, while many people go back to drugs. In the end, even though 25% of people who enter the program, get off of drugs for good. This is a great success. These people will be living the most open any round will be shut down welfare. No benefit is in are as a person drugged but were drugged certainly increase opportunities to assist the user logoff received a good savings down the road. The cost benefit is reduced, including the cost of healthcare for the problem that causes all types of drugs.

I believe it can work, but it is not a quick fix to keep some money during the downturn in the economy if it is to be with the intention to help people get off of drugs. Do not punish them for drugs No interest in my tax dollars to recipients of welfare, and/or one of it that way because the drugs are used in making drugs there, but just take money from them will not solve the problem.

Mike talks about religion, politics and current events on the Web site of http://www.apastorsthoughts.com.

