2011年6月7日 星期二

Clear Flush Total Body Permanent Detoxification Liquid Oral, Blood or Urine a Quick Fix

Clear Flush Total Body Permanent Detoxification Liquid Oral, Blood or Urine a Quick FixCLEAR FLUSHTM products were developed to remove unwanted toxins from the body. Can be used for Urine, Saliva and blood test. Most other detox products on the market have been promoted simply as a means of defeating a drug test. They mask the presence of illegal drugs or even substitute synthetic bodily fluids. Conversely, HARTSUN QUANTUM SUPPLEMENTS has focused on cleaning the entire body in addition to removing specific unwanted toxins for health, legal, and life style purposes.

Initially, our products were utilized by health care professionals, youth outreach programs, drug rehabilitation centers and substance abuse counselors. CLEAR FLUSHTM is now available in retail shops, health food stores, and through the internet. We know from hundreds of thousands of cases that CLEAR FLUSHTM will successfully purge Marijuana, Cocaine, Methamphetamine, Ecstasy, Opiates, Oxycodone and other illicit drugs. And yes, when our clients have removed these drugs from their bodies and bodily fluids, they will most certainly pass a drug test. In fact, CLEAR FLUSHTM has a testing failure rate of less than one half of one percent.

The concept is simple - CLEAR FLUSHTM was not developed to simply defeat a legal drug test; however once you have removed the drugs from the body and bodily fluids, you will in fact pass any test. Just as important, some CLEAR FLUSHTM products are designed for short term needs while others are formulated for permanent life style changes. CLEAR FLUSHTM is the drug solution, not just a drug detection preventative.


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