After at least a year of really trying to become pregnant -- following all the guidance on timing and frequency and positions - getting medical help is the right next move. It may not be absolutely necessary, but it is a concrete step toward taking control of your situation. And the medical profession has defined 12 months of trying as the definition of infertility.
Why Men Should Be Tested
The first call usually is made by the female because she has an ongoing relationship with a gynecologist. And since pregnancy is a "woman's thing" men are perfectly happy to leave all the details to them. Couples should talk about it, but men should be tested because:
- 20% to 50% of infertility cases involve male infertility factors
- Infertility testing for men is easier and more comfortable than testing for women
- Treatment for a man's infertility is easier than treatment for a woman
- A woman will lavish praise and affection for a man's sensitivity and commitment
- Passing the tests will be a great relief
What to Expect
You will need to contact a urologist for an examination and orders for the male infertility test. You can find one via your health insurance provider directory or a referral from your partner's gynecologist. At the urologist's office, you can expect to complete a medical history form, including questions about any prescriptions and over the counter drugs used.
The urologist will focus on issues affecting fertility, such as exercise, alcohol and drug use, and sexual history including any STDs. In the physical exam, he will look for any anatomical abnormalities in the scrotum, testicles and penis. Anything he sees will be noted for follow-up, if needed, pending results of the semen analysis.
The urologist will definitely order lab testing of a semen sample which will be collected by you in a lab-provided container, during your private time in a room stocked with pornography. He may also order a blood test to measure hormone levels, but the semen test is all important.
Lab techs will process the sample and report results to the urologist, usually in two or three days. A simple phone call after results are in will tell whether your semen passed the test: no follow-up needed; or failed: scheduling a follow-up appointment with the urologist.
Normal - What the Doctor Looks For
This is what the urologist considers in semen analysis:
- Semen quantity - 20 milliliters minimum per ejaculation
- Sperm quantity - 20 million sperm in each milliliter
- Sperm motility - percentage of sperm swimming forward - 25% minimum
- Morphology - percentage of normal shaped sperm - 14% minimum
- pH level - measuring acidity or alkalinity of semen - pH of 7.2 minimum
- white blood cell count - 1 million per milliliter maximum to rule out infection
As a man, your fertility is fully confirmed by ability to deliver a sperm sample meeting the criteria. Your role in conception is to contribute your healthy sperm during ovulation and a few days before - about 7 days a month during her fertility period, when she is physically best able to conceive. Doing that and providing emotional support to minimize stress is what your partner needs and expects. Just do it.
Donna Williams is a teacher and health educator with personal experience dealing with infertility issues.
For more male infertility test information and specific advice on other infertility issues, visit her website - a resource for couples with concerns about infertility.