The extreme pressure that sports can exercise over a person can become overwhelming and take him or her to do something out of the ordinary in order to stay competitive. There isn't anything wrong in training more hours a day and more days a week to become stronger, faster, and better. Always watching, of course, that he or she doesn't push him or herself too much and pass out. That's when drug problems can become an issue, and let me tell you, drugs and athletes don't mix. Here I'm going to tell you some useful tips the will let you identify when an athlete friend of yours is using or not.
At first you will notice a huge improvement in their performance.
It won't be too abrupt but he or she will transform into a machine capable of doing things weren't possible before. This part is tricky because you will feel as happy as he or she is for him or her because of their great work. It's not as if by just taking the drugs they'll be superman, but they will enable them to practice for even more and more hours and it will look as if they are practicing has finally paid off.
Most athletes will tell you that there's nothing wrong in using drugs in sports if its going to make them better.
The horrible truth is that they won't only get better, they will get bitter as well. At first it will seem as if they were getting happier because of the better performance they see in the field, court, pool, etc... But there comes a point when the drugs won't have as much effect as they did in the beginning. Then your friend can become extremely angry and bitter because of this and, even worse, can start taking stronger and worse drugs.
You have to do something
So when you see a friend of your pass those two simple phases then you'll be able to drug test your friend. Well, at least you'll have an excuse to do so. Having him or her to actually take the drug test is another story. A good thing you can tell him or her is that drugs and athletes don't mix and by taking them he or she has to know the negative effects it takes on their sex life. This can be by loosing sex drive and/or by becoming impotent. Make sure you have enough information to stand up to your friend.
Jake Wells, born in 1981, has seen many of his friends become drug addicts. He couldn't see them destroy their lives like that so he had them interned in drug rehab facilities [] He believes anyone can overcome drug addiction with enough determination and information. Visit his website at [] to read about the different drug rehab centers available.